Agave margaritae - Magdalena Island Agave

Agave margaritae - Magdalena Island Agave

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About Magdalena Island Agave

Plant Family: Asparagaceae 
Plant Type: Succulent
Height by Width: 1' H x 2' W, colonies to 5' W, flower to 6-9' H
Growth Habit: Tight rosettes, forming clumping colonies
Deciduous/Evergreen: Evergreen
Growth Rate: Slow
Sun Exposure: Full to part sun
Soil Preference: Well-draining
Water Requirements: Drought-tolerant to infrequent
Cold Hardy to: Frost tender
Flower Season: Winter, spring; each rosette blooms just once before dying
Flower Color: Yellow
Distribution: Baja California, Magdalena Island, Isla Santa Margarita
Natural Habitat: Coastal Bluff Scrub, Coastal Scrub, elevation 30'-230'