Aristolochia californica - California Pipevine

Aristolochia californica - California Pipevine

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About California Pipevine
Plant Family: Aristolochiaceae
Plant Type: Vine
Size: 10-15' H x 10-15' W
Growth Habit: Climbing, twining
Deciduous/Evergreen: Winter-deciduous
Growth Rate: Slow
Sun Exposure: Part sun to shade
Soil Preference: Adaptable
Water Requirements: Moderate to regular
Cold Hardy to: 25 degrees F
Flower Season: Winter/Spring
Flower Color: Cream with purple veins
Endangered?: Not Listed
Distribution: North Coast Range, Cascade Range Foothills, North and Central Sierra Nevada Foothills, Sacramento Valley, San Francisco Bay, North Outer South Coast Range
Natural Habitat: Streamsides, forest, chaparral below 2300'
Photo Credit: Joshua McDill via Calscape