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About Blueblossom Ceanothus
- Plant Family: Rhamnaceae
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Height by Width: 1-30' H x 2-40' W
- Growth Habit: Mounding, Spreading, Upright Columnar, Weeping
- Deciduous/Evergreen: Evergreen
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Sun Exposure: Coast-full sun; Inland-part sun
- Soil Preference: Adaptable
- Water Requirements: Infrequent to moderate
- Cold Hardy to: 10-15 degrees F
- Flower Season: Spring
- Flower Color: Bright blue
- Endangered?: Not listed
- Distribution: Chaparral, redwood forest, and mixed woodland slopes and canyons below 2, 000 ft. primarily along the coast and foothills of the Coast Ranges from Del Norte County to Monterey County, with scattered locations south and inland
- Natural Habitat: Chaparral, Mixed Evergreen Forest, Northern Coastal Scrub, Redwood Forest
Photo Credit 1: John Doyen via Calscape website
Photo Credit 2: Steve Matson via Calscape website
Photo Credit 3: Neal Kramer via Calscape website