About Apache Plume
- Plant Family: Rosaceae
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Height by Width: 3-6' H x 3' W
- Growth Habit: Shrub
- Deciduous/Evergreen: Drought-deciduous
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Sun Exposure: Full sun
- Soil Preference: Well-draining
- Water Requirements: Drought-tolerant to moderate
- Cold Hardy to: 15 degrees F
- Flower Season: Spring/Summer
- Flower Color: White
- Endangered?: Not listed
- Distribution: Southwestern US and northern Mexico. In California it is found in the eastern desert mountains of San Bernardino and Inyou Counties.
- Natural Habitat: Dry, rocky slopes in pinyon/juniper woodland and scrubby desert habitats from 3,000' to 6,600'