About Coffeeberry
- Plant Family: Rhamnaceae
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Height by Width: 8-12' H x 6-10' W
- Growth Habit: Generally open branching or mounding
- Deciduous/Evergreen: Evergreen
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Sun Exposure: Full sun to light shade
- Soil Preference: Adaptable
- Water Requirements: Drought-tolerant to moderate
- Cold Hardy to: 10 F
Flower Season: Spring
Flower Color: Small, yellow flowers with dark red berries - Endangered?: Not Listed
- Distribution: Western California and southwestern Oregon
- Natural Habitat: Coffeeberry is found in a wide variety of settings and habitats across the state, including coastal strand, foothill woodland slopes, sage scrub flats, chaparral, evergreen forest in mountain areas, rocky outcrops, sandy areas, stream banks, pinyon-juniper woodland in desert transition, and creosote bush scrub in high desert.
All sales are currently for local pickup at the Garden only.