About Siskiyou Woolly Sunflower
- Plant Family: Asteraceae
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Height by Width: 0.5-1' H x 2-3' W
- Growth Habit: Prostrate
- Deciduous/Evergreen: Evergreen
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Sun Exposure: Coast: full sun; Inland: part sun
- Soil Preference: Adaptable
- Water Requirements: Low to moderate
- Cold Hardy to: 15 degrees F
- Flower Season: Spring
- Flower Color: Yellow
- Endangered?: Not listed
- Distribution: Selected for the garden. Native to western North America and most common in California, primarily in the mountains of the northern part of the state where it is widespread.
- Natural Habitat: Often in dry, open places below 10,000 feet, but also on rocky slopes and bluffs.